Also on Arizona Spotlight: Step into a Record Fair at the final HOCO Fest; A look at the living diversity of Navopatia; and Stories That Soar! returns with a tale about a local 5th grader's journey with retinoblastoma.
Also on Arizona Spotlight: Chris Carlone on his new film exploring Tucson's punk rock past; and how the community of Bisbee is working to support wildlife in cooperation with the Arizona Wildlife Federation.
Also on Arizona Spotlight: How the youth group Studio Mariposa is beautifying the border wall; and an uplifting tale of love & survival from "Children of the Holocaust."
Also on Arizona Spotlight: Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant on the podcast "Going Wild"; and a conversation with Tom Carlson, 90-year-old co-founder and president of the Naco Wellness Initiative.
Also on Arizona Spotlight: Martha Retallick on her "City Nature"; German fellow visits the AZPM Studio; and, a look into a Dolly Parton themed dance party.
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